The Kid Golfer

Tour ad di vs iz

The Graphite Design Tour AD IZ shaft has a distinct feel and is designed to have higher launch and reduced spin.

golf ball on green grass field during daytime

A no-nonsense organization, Graphite Design is. Every year, they introduce one or two new shafts with little fanfare (we reviewed the excellent Tour AD TP earlier this year). If you want a big social media campaign, there are others that can provide it to you. Check out GD if you just want good performance.

Both are wonderful, but they do differ somewhat. The IZ is more solid and one-piece in the same flex. It’s clear that the DI has a stronger punch to it.

FeelOn paper, the Graphite Design Tour AD IZ appears to be identical to the Tour AD DI. The website describes the AD IZ as Firm+ in the tip, Medium in the center, and Firm in the butt. The mid section of the AD DI is similar to that of the AD IZ, although.
Yes, both are fantastic, but they do have their differences. In the same flex, the IZ feels more solid and one-piece. The DI has a louder/more obvious kick to it, in my opinion. The IZ is my favorite.
The AD IZ differs from the AD Di in that it doesn’t have a similar rebound effect; instead, the energy seems to flow from the handle to the club head. This is somewhat unusual because it’s more typical for a shaft to have a distinct bend point, but once you get used to it, it’s fantastic.
PerformanceThe consistency of the Tour AD IZ stood out to me during my evaluation. I struggled with the feel in my first few strokes since it’s not the same as what I’ve been gaming. However, each smooth, whip-crack sensation was constant, so I was able to quickly get locked in.
I was dialed in after a couple of attempts, and I saw the ball flight that Graphite Design promises: a high launch with little spin. With the firm tip, I was able to swing hard without fear of losing the shaft. On the other hand, despite its smooth feel, I could swing freely without sacrificing distance or accuracy.
The Tour AD IZ comes in a number of weights and flexes. The lightest, which has a Lite/Senior flex, is 40 grams. It’s worth noting that the 40 gram version features a very distinct profile – a soft tip with medium mid and butt sections.
LooksGraphite Design’s identity has always been simple, with a simple branding pattern below the handle and a change in base color. This is a serious player’s all-business style, and it’s instantly identified as Graphite Design.
You can try it out with ShaftShack, which I did, and it’ll help you figure out what’s going on. In 6S, I demoed DI, IZ, and TP. The design of the IZ made me feel as if it were looser to play than the DI when playing a round – not logical based.

The Graphite Design AD IZ has an orange and matte black color scheme that is appropriate for this season. The inverse of one of their most successful models, the Tour AD DI, is this style.

The AD IZ Tour enhances the Graphite Design range with a distinctive style that still maintains a high level of consistency. If you want to get your drives into “the Zone” of high launch and low spin, the AD IZ is definitely worth considering.

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